Sign this petition to protect Mount Nemo

Protecting the Jefferson salamander is incredibly important, and we need you to help our elected representatives see just how much it matters to our community. Let’s show them how important this is to us by sending them our petition signed by friends, family, and neighbours who all care about preserving the ecological integrity of Burlington’s Escarpment.

When you sign this petition, MPP Natalie Pierre, MPP Effie Triantafilopoulos, and Premier Doug Ford will see just how much stopping this quarry matters to you. There’s volume in numbers, so let’s shout it together: NO MORE QUARRY!

More specifically, we’re demanding they say no to the current application by Nelson Aggregates for expansion of the Mount Nemo open-pit quarry and to establish long-term protection through the redesignation of the Mount Nemo Plateau to Escarpment Natural and Escarpment Protection. You’ll be able to read the full petition when you click to sign the petition.

July 29, 2020 Premier Ford was at a press conference in Milton. This was his response to being asked about another open-pit quarry application that was opposed by the community.

“I believe in governing for the people, and when people don’t want something, you don’t do it”. 

He went on to say; “It’s very simple. I know the Mayor doesn’t want it, no one wants it. I don’t want it. We are going to make sure it doesn’t happen one way or another”

Let’s hold him to his words, and make it undeniable that the people don’t want this quarry either!