Let’s not let this happen again.

Here’s how you can help

We’re a group of dedicated volunteers who spend our time defending this one-of-a-kind natural area. Our community is so passionate about keeping these lands intact, and we would love to have your skills and expertise on our team (regardless of your skill level or background, there’s a role for you)!

This is a lengthy battle, and one we can’t do without you. Nelson Aggregates has deep pockets, but we only have the generosity of our neighbours to depend on. Please give what you can to help with legal fees, technical experts, and our advocacy efforts.

Protecting the Jefferson salamander is incredibly important, and we need you to help our elected representatives see just how much it matters to our community. Let’s show them how much we love Burlington’s Escarpment and that it deserves protection.

Make sure you’re subscribed to our mailing list to be kept in the loop about our events and other times where community involvement matters.